Hegemony, democracy, agonism and journalism: an interview with Chantal Mouffe
“[…]The interview with Chantal Mouffe took place on May 15, 2006, in London. Within the three-hour conversation, most of her key works were discussed, as these publications provided us with a chronological structure for the interview. It was a pleasant and stimulating conversation where a philosopher was invited to leave the safe-haven of political philosophy, and turn her attention to the role of the media and journalism in society and politics. It did not result in an optimistic conversation, though, as the interview became very quickly focussed on the threats and problems that the western democratic institutions (including the media) are facing in the present-day conjuncture. […]” [zum Interview – PDF-Datei]
Carpentier, Nico and Cammaerts, Bart (2006) Hegemony, democracy, agonism and journalism: an interview with Chantal Mouffe. Journalism studies, 7 (6). pp. 964-975.